Tag Archive for geoff merrick
Lesbi k Leih: Only fiends
A fourth key went into the lock
Just a few more seconds, her foggy mind told her. Just a few more moments and they’d find her. They’d save her before he could defile her completely. They’d rescue her from this sex maniac. Just a few scant seconds more….”
A fourth key went into the lock.
“Hey guys,” a third voice called. “The cops are here.”
The clinking of keys stopped. “Okay,” said one. “We’ll be right there.”
The key turned. The lock popped open. He grabbed Claire by the throat with both hands, buried his cock all the way inside her, and came.
Tears exploded out of the girl’s eyes as drool and spit soaked the padding. It coursed down her face and chin, mingling with the sweat that coated her skin and dampened her clothes.
The door didn’t open.
They heard footsteps and then the men’s room door closing.
He laughed and laughed and laughed as she sobbed and sobbed and sobbed … both silently, their bodies quaking.
He pulled her hair out of the way, letting it flow out the quarter-melon openings in the thing. He rocked back on his knees to survey his handiwork. Only the top part of her face could be seen through the cunning device. He nodded with satisfaction.
Even when a mouth is efficiently stuffed and covered, noise and vocal communication remains possible … but not if the outside of cheeks and the area around the larynx is stifled. When something, like this thing, is designed to clamp the mouth closed rather than cover a wedge gag, it can be an almost total silencer.
He nearly lost control again. She was so lovely, helpless, victimized, and vulnerable that he was nearly overwhelmed by lust.
He just barely managed to contain himself by carefully tearing open her shirt and cutting off the bra to reveal her magnificent tits.